Saturday, January 23, 2010

Greetings to all!

Hello to my family, friends, and fans!

As I embark on my journey of getting my scripts optioned and sold (and prayerfully made!) I've been thinking of what I wanted my first post to be. True, this will be about my exploits, advice, and personal anectdotes. There are thousands of blogs like that.

I don't want mine to be the same.

So, my first post will be about GRATITUDE.

Thank you's are in order. To my family who puts up with my incessant bouncing ideas off of them, the long hours of typing, the dragging the laptop with me even to Chuck E. Cheese's...I thank you. You let me experience every stage of the writing process: creation, dissection, let me be me. Gold. It's gold. Thank you. And a special thank you to my husband, Craig. He got me a laptop just for my writing and just so I could put Final Draft on it. My laptop is my seventh child. (Yes, I have a tribe of children). My family: wonderful. I love you all.

To my friends. You all are wonderful. Thank you for reading rough drafts, for editing, for throwing ideas out there. I'm grateful that you invest your precious time in my dreams. I'm especially grateful that you don't candy coat anything for me, you're are not "yes men". If you're confused you say you're confused. You don't let me whine; you tell me to fix it. You keep me pushing the envelope with stories, layers, and content. You help me with my ideas and let me hold think tank sessions with you. Some of you aid me in my research. All of you are incredible. I'm so thankful for each of you. WHEN my screenplays sell, I'm indebited to each of you. Not only do you help with my work, but you always cheer me up, always build me up. How can I not succeed when I'm surrounded by people who are cheering for my talent? Each of you help keep my dreams alive. I love each of you dearly.

To my fans. I know you're my family and friends. I love you.

As I conclude my first post, I would like to encourage you. It's cliche, but it's true: Your attitude will determine your altitude.

As you pursue your own dreams, remember to thank the people you come in contact with. Always give credit where credit is due. Even if you don't like them, find something to be grateful for. An attitude of gratitude can open doors long shut.

Follow your dreams and keep writing!

Screenwriter Chic

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